• Miswarti *
  • Fariza Ayudia
  • Jumilia *


Gadget users in West Sumatra in 2017 increased by 1.32 million users, in the city of Padang alone there were 223,000 users of gadgets. Students who used to get very good learning outcomes, now their learning outcomes have decreased due to the intensity of using gadgets every day. This study aims to find out how the relationship between the use of gadgets and learning outcomes for SMPN 31 Padang students in 2020. The research design of the Analytical Survey was carried out at SMP 31 Padang from March to October 2020. The population of this study was 290 people with a sample of 74 people. Computerized data processing through univariate analysis stage, namely descriptive statistics in the form of median, and bivariate analysis using chi-square with 95% confidence stage. The results of the analysis showed that 41.9% of respondents had poor learning outcomes and 64.9% of respondents had high use of gadgets. The results of the chi-square show that there is a significant relationship between the use of gadgets and student learning outcomes with p-value = 0.002. Through the Principal and Teachers of SMPN 31 Padang, it is hoped that this research will provide new knowledge about the relationship between the use of adgets that can affect learning outcomes for research subjects so that they can avoid even worse effects such as mental disorders. For further researchers, it is hoped that they can provide an overview of the impact of using adgets on psychology, physiology, and others.

Oct 1, 2021
How to Cite
*, Miswarti; AYUDIA, Fariza; *, Jumilia. HUBUNGAN PENGGUNAAN GADGET TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DI SMPN 31 PADANG. JURNAL NURSING STIKESI NIGHTINGALE, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 28-41, oct. 2021. ISSN 2339-2738. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 may 2024.